Monday, January 26, 2009

First Post

We thought it might be fun to blog a little as we prepare to serve on Walk #52.

Every Walk has "stories" - amazing ways that God reveals Himself before, during and after the actual Walk weekend. One of the things we can do here is share our God moment stories and chronicle them.

Of course, we can talk about anything - prayers, praises, etc. This won't be the official communication though - just a place to visit when you have a minute.



  1. Today, Feb. 14, was an incredible Team meeting. The Holy Spirit really showed up. The practice talks were awe-some, and spirit-filled. The music touched me somewhere deep in my soul. Thank you to all who shared.

    De Colores

  2. As everyone who gave their talks today said,"It was God." I have to say so was the music. You would not believe the obsticals that tried to get in the way today as far as the music went. But God helped me lead myself around them and He always has more than one way to work His plan and He sent Renee! YEA! Thanks be to God for sure, that you all knew the words and did a great job without lyrics. I was also running late and my prayer in the car was that I was hoping God would get me there in a timely fashion, and do you know what happened? He gave me all green lights all the way down from the Belt Way to the church except for one. Is that not great what God can do?? I have to warn the team, I really cry pretty easily, but I can really cry when the Holy spirit is so evident as He was today. He is going to do some mighty things on this weekend and I am so happy that I am going to be there as an empty vessel He can use. Bless you all for this extraordinary day!

  3. What a great meeting! To hear of God calling Cathy in the devotional time, then hearing God calling Lorraine during the last talk of the day. And for that to be the very feeling Ginger has had about this Walk from the start!

    Thank you both and Robbie for being so very REAL for us today and mostly for the Pilgrims on the Walk.

    I heard a story today about God stepping in and revealing His purpose for someone on this walk team! I just love it when His hand is so visible.

    Not a dry eye after Lorraine's Holy Humming! A truly amazing story.

    I also loved it that we had time to pray together today. I was able to see thing in a different light after hearing Flo's prayer for Nicholas!
    Truly burdens shared are halved and blessings shared multiplied!

    Love you

  4. Hi everybody! I am so fired up about the Walk, I can hardly stand it! I am a tiny bit nervous about previewing my talk for you amazing women on Saturday. I just pray that God will finally put my big mouth to good use:) Have a super week!

  5. I miss all of you! I wish the rest of the people in my life would enjoy singing and praising through the day as much as you girls! Our times together with each other and our amazing God from this past weekend are now precious memories to be treasured forever.

    In His love,

  6. I came home feeling so very blessed. I have never felt so spent for the Lord, giving Him everything I had to give, and so filled by His spirit He sent to me. It was a most glorious weekend. What a team of awesome Christian women who gave their all for these special women God had selected for us to serve. I hope everyone arrived home safely and full of the blessings our Lord must have packed into our suitcases before we left!!
    Still singing His praises!! Liz
